U.S.A.F. cargo plane left Pyongyang on Saturday morning, flight purpose unknown | NK News
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February 23, 2025

U.S.A.F. cargo plane left Pyongyang on Saturday morning, flight purpose unknown

‘Hercules’ cargo plane left Pyongyang in early hours of the morning

A United States Air Force (USAF) C-130J-30 cargo plane left Pyongyang's Sunan International airport at 04.13am on Saturday for Yokota airbase, a photo and flight data showed the same day, although it remains unclear what purpose the flight served.

It was one of two rare flights captured on an Instagram user's photo of the departure board at Pyongyang Sunan airport on Saturday morning, the other being flight SAM674 to Tokyo at 16.00, a U.S. Air Force Boeing 757 that will take Secretary of State Mike Pompeo's team to Japan for trilateral consultations.

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