About the Author
Dennis P. Halpin
Dennis P. Halpin, a former Foreign Service Officer and senior Congressional staff, is a consultant on Asian issues.
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Opinion Almost a month on, what did the Singapore summit achieve?As the post-Sentosa fallout continues, it increasingly looks like Pyongyang was the big winner ![]() President Trump confidently reassured the American people via Twitter, after his June 12 Singapore Summit with North Korean leader Kim Jong Un, that they could “sleep well tonight” as “there is no longer a nuclear threat from North Korea.” The first sitting President to meet with a member of North Korea’s ruling Kim family, Trump was confident that he had succeeded where the more measured diplomacy of his three predecessors – Clinton, Bush, and Obama – had failed. His devoted followers began chanting “Nobel Peace Prize” at a political rally even before his departure for Singapore. Trump himself declared just a week before the historic summit that “I don’t think I have to prepare very much” for his meeting with the North Korean leader. © Korea Risk Group. All rights reserved. |