Why unification offers the best chance for improving North Korean human rights | NK News
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February 25, 2025

Why unification offers the best chance for improving North Korean human rights

Only when Kim Jong Un feels secure can real reform take place in the DPRK

The recent inter-Korean summit was viewed as an overwhelming success in South Korea, with President Moon Jae-in’s approval rating soaring to 85% in the aftermath of his historic meeting with North Korean leader Kim Jong Un.

Yet the response to the summit was not all positive, with a diverse group from across the political spectrum criticizing Moon for keeping North Korean human rights off of the summit agenda. “A missed opportunity,” declared both Amnesty International and Liberty in North Korea’s Sokeel Park, while One Free Korea blogger Joshua Stanton speculated that the issue simply isn’t one that the current administration has “ever paid much attention to” in comments to NK News last month.

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