Kim Jong Un will not "play" Trump, denuclearization remains U.S. goal: Pence | NK News
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February 25, 2025

Kim Jong Un will not “play” Trump, denuclearization remains U.S. goal: Pence

Vice President says Washington still open to summit

North Korean leader Kim Jong Un should not attempt to "play" U.S. President Donald Trump at their upcoming summit, Vice President Mike Pence said on Monday evening, adding the U.S. "will not tolerate" a nuclear-armed-Pyongyang.

Speaking following a week of renewed uncertainty on whether the summit - slated to take place on June 12 - will go ahead, the Vice President sought to place the pressure for the meeting back on North Korea, recalling that it was Pyongyang which had first proposed it take place and reiterating that “we continue to be open to it.”

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