No UNSC exemption for Orascom to operate Koryolink J/V cell network: sources | NK News
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February 25, 2025

No UNSC exemption for Orascom to operate Koryolink J/V cell network: sources

OTMT requires 1718 Committee permission for North Korea work to continue legally

Egypt's Orascom Telecom Media and Technology (OTMT) Holding S.A. has not received an exemption from the United Nations 1718 Committee to continue operating its joint venture (J/V) Koryolink cellphone network in North Korea, informed sources have told NK News.

OTMT maintains a 75% stake in the network and therefore needs an exemption from the 1718 Committee to avoid violating United Nations Security Council (UNSCR) Resolution 2375, which since January 10 requires all companies to cease J/V operations in North Korea.

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