The perils and pitfalls of North Korean opinion polls | NK News
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February 24, 2025

The perils and pitfalls of North Korean opinion polls

A recent survey of in-country views on the nuclear program must be taken with a pinch of salt

Last month, the Center for Strategic and International Studies (CSIS) published a report that, among other things, tells us what North Koreans think about their nuclear weapons program. The report is based on a survey conducted inside the DPRK, with fifty regular people asked their opinions on the country’s nuke development.

Their responses, the report says, were overwhelmingly critical of the government: 43 out of 50 expressed “highly negative” views on the North Korean nuclear weapons program, and 70% said that they do not see nuclear weapons as a source of national pride. One of the respondents is even quoted as saying that “nuclear weapons are the devil’s weapons and will lead to our extinction."

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