Seoul spent USD$223,200 on high-level North Korean delegation visit: MOU | NK News
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February 28, 2025

Seoul spent USD$223,200 on high-level North Korean delegation visit: MOU

USD$120,900 spent on accommodation at the luxury Grand Walkerhill hotel

The South Korean government spent KRW240 million won (USD$223,200) on a high-level North Korean delegation's visit to the South earlier in the month, Seoul's Ministry of Unification (MOU) said on Wednesday evening, with over half of the money going towards accommodation for the DPRK officials.

Using money from the Inter-Korean Cooperation Fund (IKCF), South Korea spent KRW130 million (USD$120,900) on accommodation for the delegation at the five-star Grand Walkerhill hotel in Seoul, KRW50 million (USD$46,245) on transportation, and an additional KRW50 million on meals.

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