Why so few North Koreans know about the 1969 Moon Landing | NK News
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February 24, 2025

Why so few North Koreans know about the 1969 Moon Landing

The DPRK authorities' cover-up of a pivotal moment in history is a remarkable story of censorship

On July 21, 1969, a man walked on the Moon for the first time in human history. His name – Neil Armstrong – is probably known to most people. It was a historic breakthrough for the United States: the USSR had succeeded in launching the first satellite and getting the first man in space, but America had finally managed to take the lead in the space race.

For the Soviet Union, it was, of course, a major embarrassment, and the leadership had to decide how to react – both for USSR and international audiences. Finally, a message for the main state newspaper, Pravda, was approved.

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