N. Korea will "under no circumstances" negotiate nukes: DPRK foreign minister | NK News
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February 23, 2025

N. Korea will “under no circumstances” negotiate nukes: DPRK foreign minister

Ri Yong Ho tells ASEAN that U.S. must withdraw "hostile policy" or tests will continue

Correction at 10.00 am KST on 09/08/2017: The DPRK Mission to the UN has said that the line by the Foreign Minister, "we will, under no circumstances, put the nukes and ballistic rockets on negotiating table", was mistranslated. The mission maintains that DPRK government policy remains the same, and that the withdrawal of the "U.S. hostile policy" against the country could lead to negotiations.

North Korea's foreign minister on Monday argued that North Korea is now a legitimate nuclear power and that it will never negotiate its arsenal away, in a statement at the 24th ASEAN Regional Forum.

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