The personality cults of Kim Il Sung and Kim Jong Il: a brief history | NK News
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February 24, 2025

The personality cults of Kim Il Sung and Kim Jong Il: a brief history

How did the DPRK's extreme leader-worship emerge - and where is it going?

There are three basic traits of Stalinist personality cult. First, a ruler is portrayed as an exceptional genius and, thus, worthy to lead the people. Second, the future victory of the state is attributed less to the qualities of the leader, but more to the “scientific laws of history discovered by Marx”. Third, the leader is portrayed as a spiritual successor to his predecessor(s) and his loyalty to them is constantly stressed.

These were characteristics of the cult of Stalin – and they were transplanted to the cult of Kim Il Sung in 1945. However, following decades of development, the cult of Kim Il Sung has deviated from this original to a certain extent.

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