Largest skyscraper on prestige Pyongyang street remains uninhabited: sources | NK News
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February 25, 2025

Largest skyscraper on prestige Pyongyang street remains uninhabited: sources

A year and a half after opening, Mirae Future Scientists street tower appears uninhabited

The tallest skyscraper on Pyongyang's landmark Mirae Future Scientists street, a prestige project opened in November 2015, appears to be completely uninhabited and in a state of visible decay, photos and observations provided by regular visitors and residents of the city showed this week.

The lack of visible occupancy in the street's tallest 53-floor building is notable given North Korean leader Kim Jong Un's personal involvement in the project and subsequent initiation of the far larger 3,000+ apartment Ryomyong Street complex, opened at a major ceremony attended by foreign journalists just a month ago.

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