About the Author
Dennis P. Halpin
Dennis P. Halpin, a former Foreign Service Officer and senior Congressional staff, is a consultant on Asian issues.
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Analysis Trump and Moon Jae-in: possible train wreck over North Korea?Trump likely to have little patience for Moon's push towards another Sunshine policy ![]() Progressive candidate Moon Jae-in, former chief of staff to the late President Roh Moo-hyun, is suddenly facing a real horse race in the South Korean May 9 presidential election. Pragmatist Ahn Cheol-soo has pulled almost even in the latest polls for the election to replace Park Geun-hye. With the situation on the Korean peninsula reaching a level of tension not seen in years, some voters may be re-evaluating whether Moon’s advocacy of the warmed-over Sunshine policy of his late mentor may be the best approach to dealing with a defiant Kim Jong Un and an increasingly assertive U.S. President Trump. © Korea Risk Group. All rights reserved. |