Minjok Tongshin: The U.S.-based Korean newspaper loved by the DPRK | NK News
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Minjok Tongshin: The U.S.-based Korean newspaper loved by the DPRK

In interview in Pyongyang, Roh Kil-nam says he's visited North Korea 74 times

PYONGYANG – Any perusal of DPRK-related media often involves the usual suspects: the Korea Central News Agency (KCNA), Rodong Sinmun, and Naenara, all of which are published out of Pyongyang with the direct blessing of the North Korean government.

Then there are the outliers: the sympathetic groups which publish from beyond the borders of the peninsula. One of the more famous is the Choson Sinbo, the official newspaper of the Japanese pro-DPRK Chongryon organization, which is regularly mistaken by western outlets as being an "official" mouthpiece for Pyongyang's government.

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