Three North Korean Kim Jong Nam murder suspects allowed to go: Malaysia police | NK News
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February 24, 2025

Three North Korean Kim Jong Nam murder suspects allowed to go: Malaysia police

Three men were believed to be hiding in DPRK embassy in Malaysia

Three North Koreans who were previously identified as being linked to the February murder of Kim Jong Nam have been "allowed... to go", Malaysia's Inspector-General of Police Tan Sri Khalid Abu Bakar told press in a statement on Friday afternoon.

The three men, who were named in February by police as Hyon Kwang Song - a second secretary at the DPRK Embassy in Malaysia; Kim Uk Il - a member of staff of North Korean national airline Air Koryo; and Ri Ji U, gave recorded statements to police yesterday - statements which the IGP said they were "satisfied" with. The three were believed to have been in hiding at the DPRK embassy in Malaysia.

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