Drone deployment in S.Korea not response to increasing tensions: USFK | NK News
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February 26, 2025

Drone deployment in S.Korea not response to increasing tensions: USFK

Drones will be sent next year, part of long-term strategic plan to outfit all U.S. combat brigades

The U.S. army deployment of advanced Gray Eagle drones to South Korea is part of a plan to outfit all active combat divisions with the technology, and not in response to the North’s recent missile tests and provocations, according to industry press reports of conversations with U.S. Forces Korea (USFK) spokespeople.

While numerous media outlets reported that the drones were being deployed as a response to rising tensions on the Peninsula, USFK told industry website Aviation International News (AIN) the move was part of a strategic plan which had begun in 2013.

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