Despite the hurdles, it’s time for Washington and Pyongyang to talk | NK News
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February 26, 2025

Despite the hurdles, it’s time for Washington and Pyongyang to talk

The recent cancellation of planned "track 1.5" talks is disappointing

The perception, by some North Korea analysts, that something good would result from the election of Donald Trump as the 45th President of the United States seemed to materialize on February 19, as it was reported that preparations were underway in Washington for “track 1.5” talks with Pyongyang

The talks, with one side, North Korea, sending formal senior governmental representatives and the other, the U.S., sending former officials and experts, would have taken place in New York if the U.S. State Department had approved visas for the North Korean delegates. A week later, however, it was announced that they would not.

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