The next step in solving the North Korea issue: Getting Beijing onside | NK News
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February 23, 2025

The next step in solving the North Korea issue: Getting Beijing onside

China is the one key to solving the North Korea problem – so how do we secure Beijing’s cooperation?

Often the biggest hurdle to overcome in dealing with a problem is to recognize that there is a problem. A close second is defining the problem correctly. Following that, understanding the various factors of the problem must occur. The U.S. seems to have a problem with all of this.

Finally, some Pyongyang watchers are starting to realize that North Korea is not about to relinquish its nuclear weapons or cease its intercontinental missile deliver system development. The senior U.S. intelligence chief, James Clapper, admitted in an October speech on international affairs that such an objective is “probably a lost cause.” That is a good first step, recognizing that one’s goal is actually unachievable.

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