Could the Liancourt Rocks sink Japan-ROK Pyongyang policy? | NK News
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February 23, 2025

Could the Liancourt Rocks sink Japan-ROK Pyongyang policy?

In the wake of intelligence-sharing deal, some suggest Seoul should “tread lightly”

On Oct. 11, South Korea announced its decision to station Marine Corps units in Ulleungdo, an island claimed and occupied by South Korea located just 92 kilometers west of the disputed Liancourt Rocks.

For news outlets – from both Japan and South Korea – covering Seoul’s upcoming plans for the islet, it was business as usual. Seoul's Yonhap News Agency reported that the deployment would entail greater security measures in countering potential North Korean threats while its Tokyo-based counterpart Kyodo News also expressed a similar response, but argued the move would bring up historical “bad blood” between the two nations.

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