What’s behind North Korea’s attempts for dialogue? | NK News
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February 24, 2025

What’s behind North Korea’s attempts for dialogue?

Seoul must be ready for Pyongyang's further 'peace offensives' with its own suggestions

Pyongyang’s offer to have military talks with Seoul at the end of May or early June was most likely done as the part of North Korea’s “peace offensive.” However, unlike what some South Koreans are saying, this offer was not the result of Pyongyang not being able to “resist” South Korean propaganda speakers' broadcasts. Honestly, this kind of wishful thinking on North Korea does not help in resolving any inter-Korean matters.

Pyongyang already announced during the Seventh Congress of Worker's Party of Korea (WPK) that they will knock on Washington’s door with the help of Seoul. Pyongyang right now has no clue of who the next U.S. president will be and the Obama administration has remained not so responsive toward Pyongyang. So in order to win leverage for future discussions, Pyongyang is now knocking on Seoul’s door so that they can later tell Beijing and Moscow that Pyongyang "tried," but their efforts were turned down by Seoul, who did not wish to talk peace with them.

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