Little to be hopeful of after N.Korea’s Seventh Congress | NK News
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February 24, 2025

Little to be hopeful of after N.Korea’s Seventh Congress

Kim Jong Un doubles down, offers little sign his country will be more welcoming for investors

The WPK’s Seventh Congress recently ended. Although it was the first Congress since 1980, it was covered relatively poorly by the international media.

Most likely this is caused by the DPRK’s treatment of foreign journalists. Approximately 150 foreign media correspondents and some activists sympathetic to North Korea were invited to the Congress. However, at the last moment they were not allowed to the Congress hall: The authorities merely organized a few trips for them and on the Congress’ final day approximately 30 people were allowed to the hall for 15 minutes. The authorities explained their decision rather simply – “We don't have enough chairs in the hall” – leaving the journalists to speculate as to the real cause for such behavior.

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