Did WomenCross benefit North Koreans? Yes and no | NK News
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February 23, 2025

Did WomenCross benefit North Koreans? Yes and no

Doing something better than doing nothing, but room for improvement clearly exists

It could be many years before anyone is able to definitively conclude whether the 30 female participants in #womencrossdmz2015 accomplished anything at all, much less the “enormous triumph” that 81-year-old activist Gloria Steinem declared upon her arrival on the South Korean side of the inter-Korean border on Sunday.

However, the case for skepticism is robust. None of the coverage the women received on North Korean television and in the country’s print media during their visit suggests that Pyongyang even attempted an honest accounting of the goals of the walkers. Equally, the symposium in which they took part appears – at least in video made available via pro-Pyongyang online portals – to have been primarily focused (on both sides of the table) on U.S. actions during and since the Korean War. Moreover, though the group apparently received an apology for the way in which a pro forma visit to Kim Il Sung’s official birthplace at the end of last week was transformed into a gushing KCNA paean to the founding North Korean leader, the article in question has neither been amended nor removed from the publication’s website.

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