Documentary captures oddities of Rodman in North Korea | NK News
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February 23, 2025

Documentary captures oddities of Rodman in North Korea

Film captures surreal sight of erratic, eccentric basketball player in the North's 'button-up' environment

To the narrator of the documentary, it was a “madcap story.” To its producer and director, the combination of North Korea, the Paddy Power booking agency and Dennis Rodman, the 6’7” former NBA basketball star was “fascinating…anything can happen.”

Dennis Rodman’s Big Bang in Pyongyang, already described by Variety as a “deftly constructed, consistently engrossing and frequently flat-out-hilarious” account of one man’s attempt to bridge the gulf between North Korea and the United States through basketball, was broadcast in Dublin on March 25 as part of the city’s Jameson International Film Festival. Scheduled for general release this summer, its director and narrator presented the 90-minute documentary to a packed house.

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