A 14-member delegation of South Korean businessmen held talks with North Korean officials Wednesday over the recent unilateral decision by the DPRK to raise wages at the Kaesong Industrial Complex.
Members of the Association of Companies in the Kaesong Industrial Complex attempted to deliver a petition signed by Kaesong companies, but the North declined to receive it. Despite this, association president Chung Ki-sup told a press conference immediately following his trip that the South Korean businesses were able to successfully convey their concerns.
A 14-member delegation of South Korean businessmen held talks with North Korean officials Wednesday over the recent unilateral decision by the DPRK to raise wages at the Kaesong Industrial Complex.
Members of the Association of Companies in the Kaesong Industrial Complex attempted to deliver a petition signed by Kaesong companies, but the North declined to receive it. Despite this, association president Chung Ki-sup told a press conference immediately following his trip that the South Korean businesses were able to successfully convey their concerns.
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