China maintains objections to THAAD in S. Korea | NK News
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February 23, 2025

China maintains objections to THAAD in S. Korea

Newspaper editorial, mentions during defense meetings the latest signs of Beijing's concern

The potential deployment of a U.S.-led missile defense system in South Korea, ostensibly to counteract the North’s missile programs, is evidently still cause for concern in China.

Though it has not been formally requested of South Korea, Washington has encouraged it allies to deploy the Terminal High Altitude Area Defense (THAAD) system, a defensive system that would greatly enhance South Korea’s range in defending against ballistic missile launches. The U.S. has pushed for an integrated missile defense system among its allies, but compared to others – such as Japan – South Korea has shown greater hesitance regarding full implementation of THAAD as China, as well as Russia, have objected to its presence.

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