Retro game which lets you play as Kim Jong Un seeking crowdfunding | NK News
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February 24, 2025

Retro game which lets you play as Kim Jong Un seeking crowdfunding

In satirical run n' gun, players take on an invading American army in North Korea and beyond

Makers of a satirical, retro-style shooter starring Kim Jong Un called Glorious Leader are hoping it reaches screens soon – through a crowdfunded Kickstarter campaign.

With 17 days to go, Glorious Leader has raised $15,764 of its $55,000 goal, and in an intro on the game's Kickstarter, developers said they wanted to create "a stunning marvel of cutting-edge 16-bit graphics and sound, (to chronicle) the incredible, but true tale of the defeat of the entire imperialist army at the hands of Kim Jong Un."

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