Kim Yong Nam in Uganda, new security deal may result | NK News
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February 23, 2025

Kim Yong Nam in Uganda, new security deal may result

North Korea has long-standing ties to African governments, Kampala included

North Korea’s official head of state Kim Yong Nam is in Uganda for a four-day working visit, where it believed that a deal for the North to provide additional security training may be in the works.

Ugandan media have suggested that Kampala and Pyongyang are negotiating sending more North Korean personnel to train Ugandan tank crews and special forces. A group of Ugandan marine police completed a six-month training course conducted by North Korean personnel last July, and local media said that those trained previously by the North were already taking part in African Union missions against al-Shabaab in Somalia and against the Lord’s Resistance Army in the Central African Republic.

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