Hamisevicz: Two Koreas need sustainable exchanges, not temporary fixes | NK News
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February 23, 2025

Hamisevicz: Two Koreas need sustainable exchanges, not temporary fixes

North Korea must do its part in improving itself before finding fault with its neighbors

Temporary exchanges between the two Koreas through participation in the 2014 Asian Games in Incheon or in one-time family visits aren't enough to build a sustainable, long-term relationship, said Nicholas Hamisevicz.

Hamisevicz, who is responsible for researching issues related to North Korea affecting the U.S.-South Korea alliance at the Korea Economic Institute of America (KEI), said that instead of having a few events on less weighty political issues, Hamisevicz believes that the two Koreas need to develop methods to have sustained dialogue on deep political, economic, and humanitarian issues.

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