North Korea appoints new Ambassador to Syria | NK News
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February 24, 2025

North Korea appoints new Ambassador to Syria

Pariah states have controversial history of cooperating in military, nuclear arenas

North Korea has appointed Jang Myong Ho as its new ambassador to Syria. He will serve as Pyongyang’s official representative to the Syrian government, which continues to fight a civil war against anti-government forces. Syria is one of the most important of Pyongyang’s few allies and it is therefore a priority for them to maintain close relations.

The KCNA on April 7 reported that the Presidium of the Supreme People’s Assembly had officially appointed the new ambassador. Jang, who still must present his credentials to Syrian President Bashar al-Assad, is replacing Choe Su Hon, who has held the position since 2008. The DPRK Ambassador to Syria works out of North Korea’s embassy in the Syrian capital of Damascus. Little is known about Jang’s background, including his diplomatic experience.

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