Hwang Pyong So promoted to Vice-Marshal, elevated in Party | NK News
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February 23, 2025

Hwang Pyong So promoted to Vice-Marshal, elevated in Party

Close confidant of Kim Jong Un quickly rising in power and influence

The North Korean regime has promoted Hwang Pyong So in position and regime hierarchy, as seen through observation of state media. Hwang, a close confident of Supreme Leader Kim Jong Un, was elevated to one of the highest military ranks, ascended to the Party Central Military Commission, and moved up in the order of precedence among senior officials.

North Korea's Central Military Commission and National Defense Commission promoted Hwang to the rank of vice marshal in the Korean People's Army on April 26, KCNA reported April 28. He was only first seen wearing the four stars of a full general on April 15, meaning he moved up two ranks - from colonel general - in a short time.

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