Yokotas recall ‘dream-like’ meeting with granddaughter | NK News
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February 23, 2025

Yokotas recall ‘dream-like’ meeting with granddaughter

Belief that their daughter, a victim of North Korean kidnapping, is still alive has not wavered despite meeting

The parents of Megumi Yokota, kidnapped in 1977 at age 13 by North Korea, were bursting with joy and smiles at a press conference in Kawasaki City, adjoining Tokyo, after finally meeting their granddaughter and great-grandchild.

Shigeru and Sakie Yokota met Kim Eun Gyong, 26, Megumi’s daughter at a guesthouse in the Mongolian capital Ulan Bator from March 10-14. Kim Eun Gyong’s husband, who is in his late twenties, accompanied her.

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