Reining in South Korea's out-of-control National Intelligence Service | NK News
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February 23, 2025

Reining in South Korea’s out-of-control National Intelligence Service

N. Korean threat makes NIS necessary, but they've exceeded their legal mandate

The story so far: Seoul’s gripping but tangled spy scandal saga has five separate threads. Part I covered three of these: 1) Accused of meddling in 2012’s presidential election, the National Intelligence Service (NIS) went on the offensive, 2) Leaked transcripts portrayed the ROK’s last liberal president as cosying up to Kim Jong Il and 3) a pro-DPRK lawmaker (now jailed) as ready to commit sabotage on Pyongyang’s behalf. But that ain’t all.

In Part II: Thread 4 adds a sex twist, while 5 is a defector who just might have the spooks on the run. Read on!

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