Pula Botswana! Ian Khama kicks Kim Jong Un into touch | NK News
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February 23, 2025

Pula Botswana! Ian Khama kicks Kim Jong Un into touch

Human rights abuses prompt Botswana to sever all ties with North Korea

What to do about North Korea? It’s difficult, whoever you are. But some have choices. And totally out of the blue, one principled African country has just made a very commendable one.

The UN Commission of Inquiry (COI)’s recent damning report on the D!P!R!K’s [i] horrific human right abuses has led many to fear that even so, nothing will happen. As usual China will doubtless shield its nasty neighbor from facing the music. Kim Jong Un is unlikely to find himself before the International Court of Justice (ICJ) in The Hague any time soon.

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