About the Author
Kosuke Takahashi
Kosuke Takahashi is a Tokyo-based journalist. His work has appeared in the Asahi Shimbun, Bloomberg, Asia Times, Jane's Defence Weekly and The Diplomat, among other publications. You can follow him on Twitter.
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Evergreen Megumi Yokota’s parents urge North Korea to settle abduction issueAbductee's family ‘hates’ Kim Jong Un but are realistic about his ability to reform the system ![]() Shigeru and Sakie Yokota have faced a ceaseless struggle since the day their daughter went missing. It was the evening of November 15, 1977, when 13-year-old Megumi Yokota suddenly disappeared on her way home from her junior high school in the coastal area of Niigata city in northwestern Japan. © Korea Risk Group. All rights reserved. |