Lands' End denies clothing being manufactured in North Korea | NK News
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February 22, 2025

Lands’ End denies clothing being manufactured in North Korea

American brand says investigation revealed no trace of production in North Korea

Photographs recently obtained by NK News showed at least six dress shirts branded with Lands’ End labels and “Made in China” tags on a rack displaying previous projects at North Korea's Sonbong Textile Factory, raising the possibility that the Dodgeville, Wisconsin-based catalog retail giant had outsourced part of its production to a country currently under multiple U.S. sanctions.

Lands’ End spokesperson Michele Casper, who said the company would be investigating whether the garments seen in the Songbong factory related to an "issue with a supplier" or reflected an "instance of counterfeiting,” now tells NK News that the company is indeed in full compliance with all applicable local laws.

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