In S. Korea, navy tries to ban film disputing Cheonan evidence | NK News
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February 24, 2025

In S. Korea, navy tries to ban film disputing Cheonan evidence

Injunction says movie "biased" for suggesting North Korea might not have sunk Cheonan ship

LOS ANGELES – A group of South Korean navy officers will seek a court injunction against an independently funded documentary that casts doubt on the South Korean government’s claim that Pyongyang was responsible for sinking a navy ship that left 46 dead in March 2010.

The group's lawyers argues that "Project Cheonan Ship" is "biased", because it ignores a six-nation investigation that said North Korea torpedoed the Cheonan in an unprovoked attack, and instead focuses on the stories of those who raise suspicions, Yonhap News said Wednesday.

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