Exclusive: Fit for a princess: Kim Jong Un’s $7m yacht | NK News
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Exclusive: Fit for a princess: Kim Jong Un’s $7m yacht

Kim Jong Il failed to procure two expensive luxury boats, but Kim Jong Un has succeeded

SEOUL – Kim Jong Un recently used a 95-foot luxury yacht worth $7m to navigate North Korea’s East coast during a ten-day ‘on the spot guidance’ tour, an NK News investigation can exclusively reveal.

The yacht, a Princess 95MY, is possibly a recent purchase – one that could constitute a direct infringement of UN sanctions on the procurement of “luxury goods” by the DPRK. British-based Princess Yachts, the manufacturer of the 95MY, belongs to the luxurious LVMH group that owns Louis Vuitton, Moet Chandon, Christian Dior and over 60 other brands with a reputation for luxury and, above all, expense.

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