While the international community feels compelled to slap North Korea on the wrists in response to its third missile test, South Koreans appear blasé.
Despite North Korea declaring its latest nuclear test was carried out as part of an action against the “sworn enemy of the Korean people” – and even though the new launch has created speculation the DPRK has improved its nuclear capabilities and may even have a highly enriched uranium programme – South Koreans generally remained indifferent to the recent tests. Even the stock market merely fluttered.
While the international community feels compelled to slap North Korea on the wrists in response to its third missile test, South Koreans appear blasé.
Despite North Korea declaring its latest nuclear test was carried out as part of an action against the “sworn enemy of the Korean people” – and even though the new launch has created speculation the DPRK has improved its nuclear capabilities and may even have a highly enriched uranium programme – South Koreans generally remained indifferent to the recent tests. Even the stock market merely fluttered.
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