Viagra in North Korea? No Thanks | NK News
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March 11, 2025Mar 11, 2025

Viagra in North Korea? No Thanks

Sex and Contraceptives: Why North Korea Doesn't Want To Import Viagra

Ever wondered how sex, contraception, and dealing with impotence works in North Korea? Felix Abt, a Swiss businessman who spent seven years living in the country, knows the answer.

Having helped manage one of North Korea's leading pharmaceutical brands during his time living there, Abt's professional experiences showed him an aspect of life few foreigners will ever come into contact with. Working to establish one of the first international class production lines in the DPRK, his company opened a number of pharmacies around the country that introduced consumers to non-generic drugs for the first time. Through that work Abt learnt much about the way that DPRK society works on a multitude of levels and reveals all in his new book entitled, "A Capitalist in North Korea".

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