Third Group of North Korean Refugees "Re-Defect" Back To DPRK | NK News
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March 01, 2025

Third Group of North Korean Refugees “Re-Defect” Back To DPRK

In what is becoming an increasing trend, North Korean "re-defectors" blame South Korean agents for their time spent in Seoul

Two North Korean citizens have "re-defected" to their homeland after leaving for South Korea, according to details revealed from a press conference held in Pyongyang today. The high-profile return of the two North Koreans is the third such "re-defection" to have taken place in recent months and raises fresh concerns that a new trend may be emerging.

Kwang Ho and his wife and Ko Kyong Hui were today interviewed by local and foreign journalists at the People's Palace of Culture in Pyongyang in a public manner that has now become the norm for defectors returning to North Korea.  While likely a highly staged event, the tone of KCNA's reporting today was surprisingly convincing, with less of the exaggeration typically associated with the outlet's reporting on life in South Korea and a lot more detail.

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