North Korea Spends $10 Million Building Museum in Cambodia | NK News
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March 01, 2025

North Korea Spends $10 Million Building Museum in Cambodia

Despite economic problems of its own, North Korea orders the construction of a museum in the heart of Cambodia's tourist trail

Despite a struggling economy, Pyongyang has spent an estimated $10 million on the construction of a new museum dedicated to celebrating Cambodian history. Situated three kilometers from the tourist destination of Siem Reap and just around the corner from the largest Hindu temple complex in the world, this new North Korean museum is scheduled to open in April.

Intriguingly, recent reports suggest that North Korea is donating this museum “as a gesture of friendship” to longtime ally, Cambodia. But while it remains unclear if Pyongyang will receive any compensation for the construction of the museum, August 2011 reports in The Global Post suggest that, “North Korea will be paid between $10 and $17 million for some sort of monument or museum near the temples.”

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