North Korea "Ready For Nuclear Test" | NK News
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February 06, 2025

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North Korea “Ready For Nuclear Test”

Korean peninsula on tenterhooks as speculation of imminent nuclear test gathers momentum

A senior military figure in South Korea said Monday that North Korea was ready to conduct a nuclear test "anytime", a decision that could be followed by "various provocations to cause fatal damage or casualties" on the Republic of Korea side.

Army Gen. Jung Seung-jo made his remarks during a visit to front-line units accompanied by journalists, underscoring that "North Korea's nuclear program development poses a direct threat to our people."  His comments echo recent satellite analysis published by 38 North, which confirmed that the Punggye-ri Nuclear Test Facility remains in a "continued state of readiness that would allow the North to move forward with a test...once the leadership in Pyongyang gives the order."

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