Park Geun-hye back in North Korean propaganda | NK News
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February 05, 2025

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Park Geun-hye back in North Korean propaganda

After her name not being mentioned by DPRK media in over three weeks, Park Geun-hye has returned to the fore in North Korea.

North Korea has challenged South Korean presidential candidate Park Geun-hye to distinguish her policy from Lee Myung-bak’s in an “open questionnaire” released by the Secretariat of the Committee for the Peaceful Reunification of Korea. It is the first time in nearly three weeks that the North had mentioned the conservative Saenuri Party candidate by name in its propaganda.

The questionnaire was published before comments made by Park’s spokesman Ahn Hyung-hwan, who demanded that the North should immediately stop the loading of the first stage of the rocket and also accused Pyongyang of using weapons of mass destruction to “blackmail” the ROK into giving concessions and support.

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