One Year On And It's All About 'Kim Jong Il Patriotism' | NK News
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February 05, 2025

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One Year On And It’s All About ‘Kim Jong Il Patriotism’

One year after his death, today's events in Pyongyang seem to be the epitome of what is being referred to in North Korea as 'Kim Jong Il's Patriotism'

North Korea has been marking the first anniversary of Kim Jong Il's death with mass rallies held in Pyongyang and the re-opening of his final resting place, a recently restored mausoleum in central Pyongyang that also houses former North Korean leader, Kim Il Sung.

Official state media mouthpiece the KCNA reported the usual circle of North Korean leadership to be in attendance, including a now heavily-pregnant Ri Sol Ju, Kim Jong Un's wife. Also at the opening, that showed an embalmed Kim Jong Il still in his trademark jumpsuit, were the "scientists, technicians, workers and officials who contributed to the successful launch" of North Korea's rocket that is said to have delivered a satellite into orbit last week.

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