China's got a new face! Last Thursday morning, the next generation of Chinese leaders was introduced to the world with few, if any, surprises. Slightly newer old faces replaced even older ones, but China's 'body' looks set to remain the same. And so does China's policy towards North Korea.
If you don't know by now, here's a rapid-fire rundown of what happened amid the fanfare of red carpets, pots of large flowers, and big murals of mountains in the background:
China's got a new face! Last Thursday morning, the next generation of Chinese leaders was introduced to the world with few, if any, surprises. Slightly newer old faces replaced even older ones, but China's 'body' looks set to remain the same. And so does China's policy towards North Korea.
If you don't know by now, here's a rapid-fire rundown of what happened amid the fanfare of red carpets, pots of large flowers, and big murals of mountains in the background:
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