Reviewing the Korean Armistice: Building Future Peace on Historical Precedents | NK News
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February 22, 2025

Reviewing the Korean Armistice: Building Future Peace on Historical Precedents

On June 21st, Dr. Balbina Hwang spoke about her ongoing research regarding the Korean armistice agreement at a Korean Economic Institute Academic Paper Series event. Nicholas Hamisevicz, KEI’s Director of Research and Academic Affairs, opened the event by reminding us of the tumultuous events last year, those being the sinking of the Cheonan and the shelling of Yeongpyong Island, and the renewed interest they generated with regards to the effectiveness of the armistice in preventing conflict on the Korea Peninsula.

In Dr. Balbina’s opening remarks she mentioned that although most South Korean’s remember June 25th, the anniversary of the start of the Korean War, few mark July 27th, when in 1953 the armistice agreement was signed, ending violent conflict on the Korean peninsula. Dr. Balbina said that the end to the fighting was important because it “provided an umbrella under which South Korea could develop” while also giving space for North Korea to develop in its own, unique way.

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