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NK News
NK News is a North Korea specialist news and information resource head-quartered in Delaware, U.S.A.
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Analysis A Nuclear Myanmar? North Korea’s dangerous twin…DPRK-Myanmar cooperation in focus ![]() By Sarah Bilson and Chad O'Carroll A report put out last week by former IAEA inspector Robert Kelly, on behalf of the Democratic Voice of Burma (DVB), claims that Burma is in the process of developing a nuclear weapons program. Theevidence used to compile the report includes photographs and documents smuggled out by a renegade Burmese soldier, Sai Thein Win, Deputy Commander of a highly classified military factory that was the headquarters of the army's nuclear endeavors. Accusations of a nascent nuclear program in Burma are longstanding; however this new evidence exceeds previous unclear satellite images and uncertain reports, and should heighten concern about the program. The International Atomic Energy Agency has launched an investigation into the claims and may be in a position to confirm some of the information. © Korea Risk Group. All rights reserved. |