North Korea’s passports, and how they use them | NK News
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February 23, 2025

North Korea’s passports, and how they use them

Yes, the North has passports, and has them for more than one type of visit abroad

North Korea remains one of the most closed states in the world, but it, like any other country, does issue passports to its citizens. Although, since most North Koreans never have an opportunity to leave their country, the DPRK’s passports are rarely seen even by North Koreans themselves. However, this document’s history and methods of application may be of some interest.

North Korea has four types of passports. Three of them are more or less standard: ordinary (blue), service (green) and diplomatic (red). The fourth, also blue, is called the “ordinary passport for an official trip” and is issued to sportsmen who participate in international competitions.

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