North Korea likely still breaking UN sanctions - Martin Uden | NK News
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February 23, 2025

North Korea likely still breaking UN sanctions – Martin Uden

DPRK probably becoming "cleverer" at avoiding sanctions according Martin Uden, former head of UN Panel of Experts

It's possible that North Korea's methods for evading UN sanctions are becoming increasingly sophisticated, as the number of of reports made to the UN Panel of Experts has decreased, former coordinator of the Panel Martin Uden told NK News in an in-depth interview.

"Frankly, I doubt that this [decrease in incident reports] is a reflection of the DPRK no longer contravening sanctions, I think it's a matter of them getting rather cleverer at it. It could be their procurement requirements are changing, or it could be they are finding it more difficult to sell their arms overseas," Uden said, adding that "All those things could be coming together."

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