'The Whole World Knows We Koreans Are Best!' | NK News
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February 22, 2025

‘The Whole World Knows We Koreans Are Best!’

How North Koreans see themselves and look suspiciously at foreign influences

If you've ever read "The Cleanest Race" by BR Myers, you'll know that concepts of ethnic superiority are commonplace in North Korean propaganda. From a young age, many North Koreans are raised to believe that their country is the center of the world and that they truly belong to a culture and ideology that is superior to other nations. With that in mind, what must it actually be like for foreigners living and working in the country for an extended period?

Having lived and worked in North Korea for seven years as a foreign businessman, Felix Abt’s experiences showed him first hand how concepts of ethnic-superiority affect real life in North Korea. In the second of several excerpts to be published from his new book, NK NEWS brings you Abt’s account of how North Koreans view national purity.

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